NYSUT Retiree Council 7

Serving All NYSUT Retirees In Onondaga And Cayuga Counties

Active membership in Retiree Council 7 is open to every NYSUT retiree of any NYSUT represented group in Election District 7.  ED 7 is comprised of all units in Cayuga and Onondaga counties.  Active members are those who have paid RC 7’s participation fee of $10 per year and, if required by the local, payment of local retiree dues.  Dues should be received by September 1 but are accepted later.

Additionally, associate membership is open to the spouses of active members.

The fees support our activities and allow us to have representation at NYSUT and AFT decision-making conventions.

The membership year is July 1 through June 30 of each calendar year.  Those who pay their fee will receive a membership card bearing the words “The NYSUT Retiree, Retiree Council 7.”  The card also lists the luncheon dates.

Most Locals who have active retiree groups collect a combined fee and forward RC 7’s portion to us so people in the following districts do not send their membership directly to RC 7.  Those Locals are:

Jordan Elbridge
North Syracuse
Port Byron

Syracuse City

You should use the local’s address when sending in your check.

If you retired from Auburn, Cato-Meridian, Cayuga-Onondaga BOCES, Moravia, Skaneateles, Southern Cayuga, Union Springs, or Weedsport, your fees are collected by CORN (Cayuga-Onondaga Retirees of NYSUT) and forwarded to RC 7. Send your check to CORN @Auburn Teachers Association.

 Retirees from other locals in this RC should send their $10 check to the NYSUT Regional Office, attn Membership Chair,  4983 Brittonfield Pkwy, East Syracuse, 13057.

If you have not already joined and are not from the locals listed above, the form below can be used to send in your membership information and $10.00 fee.  You can also open and print this form by clicking the green button below.

                          Retiree Council 7 Membership Form (New and Renewals)




City, State & Zip _______________________________________________



District retired from_____________________________________________


Please mail with your $10.00 fee to:

RC7 Membership Chair
4983 Brittonfield Pkwy.  Box 247
East Syracuse, NY  13057
Join us on Facebook


 Copyright ©  Retiree Council 7