NYSUT RC7 VP, and CNY NYSARA President, Bill Spreter, speaks before AFL-CIO union members at the Labor Day Parade Rally.
Members of CNY NYSARA and NYSUT RC7 before the Labor Day Parade.

NYSUT Retiree Council 7

Serving All NYSUT Retirees In Onondaga And Cayuga Counties

Senator Rachel May and NYSUT RC7 Vice President, Bill Spreter, spoke at a press conference to protect our healthcare.
 Copyright ©  Retiree Council 7
Readying the banner before the Labor Day Parade
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Senator Mannion being interviewed by Spectrum News at the “Care Can’t Wait” Bus Rally and tour.
RC7 members and CNY NYSARA members join with Citizen Action to celebrate the birthday of Medicare and Medicaid.
Randi Matousek, standing in foreground, looks over the  CNY NYSARA Picnic celebrating social security’s birthday.
Senators Rachel May and John Mannion join CNY NYSARA to support “Care Can’t Wait” goals: help for caregivers, paid family leave, affordable childcare, disability protections.
NYSUT RC7 and NYSARA Celebrating social security’s birthday at the Matousek home on Oneida Lake.

2024 RC7 Photos

NYSUT RC7 President, Loretta Donlon,  and NYSUT RC 7 Past president Margo Buckingham participate in the New York State Alliance for Retired Americans (NYSARA) convention in Albany. In the background  Senator Gillibrand addressed the convention via zoom.
“Care Can’t Wait” bus and rally covered by Spectrum News.
NYSUT RC7 and CNY NYSARA march during the Labor Day Parade. Note the ever-playful Doug Matousek and his reaction to the cameras.
NYSUT RC7 member Doug Matousek, gives a playful hug to fellow NYSARA member, Angela Murray, at Comptroller DiNapoli’s breakfast at the downtown Marriott, Hotel Syracuse.
Ian Phillips, NYSUT endorsed candidate for the 126th Assembly district, addresses a large group at Sal’s Restaurant in Baldwinsville.